Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International

The happiest people on earth

"Friends," I said, "I believe God has a particular gift for each of His servants, some special ability we're to use for His Kingdom. I believe if we find that gift— and use it—we'll be the happiest people on earth. And if we miss it, no matter how many excellent things we do, we'll be utterly miserable. -- Demos Shakarian Самые счастливые люди на земле

Miami, Florida, USA
August 14-16, 2025

Announcing the FGBMFI WORLD CONVENTION 2025 Miami, Florida, USA August 14-16, 2025

We will announce more details soon.


Announcing the FGBMFI WORLD CONVENTION 2024 Honduras San Pedro Sula JULY 18-20, 2024

Watch the 2024 Convention on Facebook

18/7/2024 - Morning - Asian Nations
18/7/2024 - Afternoon - Europe & USA
18/7/2024 - Evening - Opening Ceremony
19/7/2024 - Morning - African Nations
19/7/2024 - Afternoon - Ladies’ Conference
19/7/2024 - Evening - Miracle & Healing Service
20/7/2024 - Morning - Latin American Nations
20/7/2024 - Evening - Closing Ceremony

Watch the 2024 Convention on YouTube

Playlist with 7 sessions
18/7/2024 - Morning - Asian Nations
19/7/2024 - Afternoon - Leadership workshop
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